
SensitiveBeing Accessibility Policy

Effective date: 29th December 2021

Accessibility for SensitiveBeing Events

As a general principle everyone is welcome to attend events, workshops or talks which I offer. Where there must be exceptions to this, I will state them clearly for a specific event and give a good reason.

I am all to well aware of the unpleasantness of discrimination and exclusion having been effected myself over the years.

What may be necessary is for individuals with identified special needs or difficulties to go through an online pre-workshop preparatory process. This is so we can get to know each other without the distractions of other group members and the events of the day. In the past, we have found this very useful.

If I have to say who I can work with and who I can't, the answer has to be that I need to meet the individual first and see if we are able to form a resonance together. If we can, then the workshop event will probably work well for the person also.

To exclude based on a psychiatric diagnosis, is for me first discriminatory and second meaningless.

Accessibility on the Website

I have done what I can with accessibility on the website itself, but as a non-professional webdesigner, I realise there is a lot to learn.

If you have difficulty with the site, please tell me and I will see if it can be improved.

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